Jun 15, 2018

The FREE Tier of Yarkon Cloud Edition is now officially available

We know that trying Yarkon, just like any other cloud based system, requires some time and effort. To make it easier for you, we now introduce the FREE Tier of the Cloud Edition - making signing up to Yarkon even easier. Just use our website, and go to the FREE sign up page.

The FREE Tier of the Cloud Edition is fully functional and identical in its feature-set to any of the other versions of the Cloud Edition. The only limitations are on the number of users and buckets, both can go up to five (5) - making it a great option for trying the service on a smaller scale, as well as for using it free of charge for your business. The limits on the free version are based on the usage we see, and is sufficient for most if not all of our entry level customers, for whom this edition of Yarkon is designed.

Yarkon was always available for free; in fact, the first public release, made available back in June of 2015, only had a free option. With the introduction of the FREE Tier of Yarkon Cloud Edition, we will now be retiring that original service, and hope that the large and loyal user base we built over the last three years in which the application was available would migrate to this new version of the service, and take advantage of the performance, security and advanced features, all for the same cost of zero.