Apr 11, 2018

Yarkon 2.8 is now officially available

Version 2.8 of Yarkon is now available, including a number of major features and enhancements to the Enterprise Edition of Yarkon:

  • Single Sign On (SSO) using the widely available SAML2 standard is now supported.
  • In place database migration and import from backup are now available, making the upgrade process of Yarkon fully automated.
  • The full client side API is now accessible through the inclusion of custom scripting/automation support.

Single Sign On

Included in this release is the top feature request of some of our larger enterprise clients, Single Sign On using SAML2.

With this feature enabled, end users no longer need to enter their credentials in Yarkon. Similar to how they access many other application in their organization, sign on is initiated form a single location, through popular services like Active Directory.


Yarkon has offered a powerful client side API for a while now when using the SDK Edition. This release brings the same API to users of the Enterprise Edition.

To use this feature, develop your custom Javascript code following the documentation, then upload it to Yarkon. The server will automatically load, merge and process your code allowing you much improved customization and automation of the client side application.

Database Migration

Starting with version 2.8 of Yarkon, you can use the database backup and restore functions to easily upgrade the server instance in place. Before you upgrade, take a backup of your existing database. After the server was upgraded using the one-click deployment from the AWS MarketPlace, import the backed up database and you should be all set. Any required upgrade of the database to the new release would be handled seamlessly by the application when it starts for the first time.